Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rainbow of Promise

I was reminded recently of God's Promise in a Rainbow.  Early one morning, I was quite annoyed with my dog, cause he ran over to my sister's and I had to go get him; Driving the short distance back to my house, I looked up and there was a beautiful rainbow - it was amazing and I thanked God for reminding me that I had a promise of a new day to live for Him.  I also like to think of my life as a colorful rainbow where God blends the colors of life's experiences together to create the person I am.  Remember you are Special and God Cares about everything in your Life!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Believe...

I believe... "I can do all things through Christ"!
Joshua 1:5 -- "I will be with you.  I will not fail you". 
These two verses are so powerful - Claim them for yourself today - see what God will do in your life!